Many of the parents in the class have had older kids come through the school, so they are what I like to call the "OG Parents", which made it a really fun year, because it's like visiting with old friends every time you go to work in the class. The class took a trip to Sacramento to see the capital, which was awesome for the kids, but really fun for the adults. We had a great time hanging out. What a fun memory.
The cake I made for the class had a book on the bottom titled, " How to train a Falcon" because I feel like fourth grade is a transitional year for kids. They are kinda growing out of the "I listen to adults all the time because they are cool" stage, and are still grossed out when people kiss on tv. This year, many of the students really pushed buttons and experimented with boundaries. And I think they were doing it more maybe because Chris was new this year, but he really handled every situation very calmly and earned their love and respect right away. The kids are so attached to him, he really took the time to get to know each and every one of them this year.
I put two of Dr. Seuss's Sneetches on the book, because he used the story to teach the kids a lesson about discrimination. I especially liked it because my daughter ended up being one of the randomly chosen non-star belly sneetches, who had to do math problems while the star belly ones got to play. She was soooooo pissed off, I think it was more of a learning experience for her than anything else. Which is great, because that's one of those life lessons you can't learn from a book, it has to be experienced.
In fourth grade, the students learn about California missions, so the middle cake is a mission. I knew how to do this because my daughter and I built a model of a mission for her assignment.
And, of course, a gold nugget because the students got to pan for gold on their Sacramento trip and also at school. It was really funny, Chris greeted the students one morning wearing these red suspenders. The parents looked at each other like, WTF, before we all realized why he was wearing them.
On the top was a falcon, made out of rice krispies and fondant. I heard that the teachers eventually cut it up and all shared a piece of it. Hope it tasted yummy!
Thank you so much for an awesome year Chris! It's been fun! Your falcons will miss you next year, and you know you'll miss all of us too!!!